The Selection Wiki

Georgia Whitaker is the wife of August Illéa and the two of them were the leaders of Northern rebels. She is also the mother of Marid Illéa.


America Singer first saw her after an attack at the palace, in The Elite. She climbed a tree to escape and felt safe, but Georgia saw her after the Northern rebels took some books searching for Gregory Illéa's diaries. Georgia curtsied and ran away.

They both met again in The One, building up a friendship between America and Maxon and August and her.

She was a guest next to Princess Nicoletta at a tea party held at the palace. Princess Nicoletta secretly gave money to the Northern rebels for weapons against the Southern rebels.

She was there when Southern rebels invaded the palace, fighting among the others against them.

Later she married her fiancé, August Illéa. They had a son named Marid, and lived in the palace with the Schreave family. However, after disagreements, the Illéa family left.


Georgia wears a denim jacket with flowers embroidered on it. The flowers are usually like a star, indicating her to be a Northern Rebel. In The One, Georgia was wearing a denim skirt with denim pants and that same jacket as if she was trying to sport the latest fashion.


  • Her name came from a real girl called Georgia Whitaker who won the right to have her name in the book with a video in a contest hosted by Kiera Cass on her youtube channel.